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A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Your Business’s Website Address

Whether you’re a small business just getting started or an established organization looking to expand your online presence, having a website is essential. Not only does it give potential customers and partners access to the information they need about your services and products, but it also boosts your brand recognition.

However, before you can reap the benefits of having a website, several steps must be taken to secure its address. So here’s a step-by-step guide on how to go about securing their business’s website address.

Image of a Mac laptop displaying a website.

Web Domains – The Right Way

The first step to securing your business’s website address is selecting a domain name. This should be something that accurately reflects what your company does and will be easy for customers to remember.

It’s also important to make sure that the domain name isn’t registered by someone else or infringes on another organization’s trademark. Once you decide on a domain name, you’ll need to choose an appropriate web hosting service and register it with them.

Make sure that when you buy a domain name for your online business it is from a respected service provider, as this will ensure that your website is properly protected from cyber-attacks and other security threats. And while a shared hosting service may be initially less expensive, opting for a dedicated server can provide better security and additional customization options.

Protect Your Website from Unauthorized Access

Once you have your domain name and web hosting set up, it’s time to make sure that unauthorized persons don’t have access to your website. To do this, establish a secure password policy for both the website’s administration panel and any other user accounts.

Additionally, if your business will be accepting payments online, consider investing in an SSL certificate which provides encryption technology between servers and clients. This will help protect sensitive information like customer credit card numbers from being stolen or used maliciously.

SSL Certificates 101

SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is an encryption technology used to protect data sent over the internet. SSL certificates are digital documents that verify a website’s identity and secure its connection with visitors.

A website must have an SSL certificate to be considered “secure” – which means visitors can trust that their personal information, such as credit card numbers, will be safe from hackers and malicious actors. This is why many websites now display a padlock icon or “HTTPS” next to their URL when they use SSL: it reassures users that the site is secure and private.

  • SSL certificates come in different levels of authentication, ranging from basic domain validation (DV) certificates to more complex organization validation (OV) and extended validation (EV) certificates.
  • DV certificates are the most basic and require only that a domain be registered to an organization.
  • OV certificates need to provide more information – such as a business address, phone number, and other contact info – to be approved. EV certificates go even further by requiring proof of identity from the organization before approval.

Monitor Your Website Activity

While website security should always be a priority, it’s also important to keep an eye on the activity your website is receiving. It’s a good idea to regularly check for any malicious scripts or viruses that may have been installed to damage your website’s code or steal user data. Additionally, be sure to monitor the amount of traffic your site is receiving and look out for any spikes which may indicate a security breach. For example, if you notice a sudden increase in traffic from suspicious sources, it may be a sign that someone is trying to access your website without authorization.

Invest in Website Security Software

Investing in website security software can help protect your business’s website address from potential threats. Look for tools that offer real-time monitoring and alerts if any suspicious activity is detected.

Additionally, these programs should also provide comprehensive protection against viruses, malware, and other cyber threats. By taking the steps outlined above, your business will be well on its way to having a secure website address that customers can trust. With the right precautions in place, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your online presence is protected from harm.

Educate Your Employees on Security Protocols

It’s important to make sure your employees are educated on basic security protocols. This includes making sure they understand the importance of creating secure passwords and not sharing login information with anyone else.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to remind them not to click on any suspicious links or attachments in emails as these could contain malicious programs.

Regularly training your staff on proper security measures will help ensure that everyone is up-to-date and aware of the potential threats out there.

Backup Your Website Data

Finally, it’s essential to regularly back up your website data in case of an emergency. This will ensure that if there is ever a security breach or system failure, you’ll have the necessary data to quickly restore the site and get back up and running.

Without a reliable backup process in place, it could take days or even weeks to get your business operational again – resulting in lost customers and profit. For example, if you use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, be sure to periodically create backups of your site’s files and database.

This can usually be done with a plugin or from within the control panel provided by your web host. Additionally, consider keeping an external backup of all website data stored in a safe location away from your hosting server.

Image of a Mac desktop and laptop displaying a website.

Website security is an important part of running a successful business. By taking the time to implement strong security measures and regularly monitor your website activity, you can ensure that your online presence is protected from cyber-attacks and other malicious threats.

Additionally, educating your employees on good security practices and backing up all data stored on your website can also help protect against any potential disasters. Taking these steps will help give you peace of mind knowing that your business is secure – both online and off.


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Kelvin Kathia

Kelvin Kathia is a writer that's passionate about sharing solutions to everyday tech problems. He's the founder and editor of Journey Bytes, a tech blog and web design agency. Feel free to leave him comments or questions regarding this post, or by leaving him a message on the contact page. If you found his content helpful, a donation is much appreciated.