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Blogger Email Comment Notification Fix

NOTE: This post was originally published in August 2018 while I was still using Blogger. I’ve since moved this blog to WordPress in late 2019 and cannot guarantee that the fix outlined here will resolve subsequent disruptions that continue to plague Blogger’s comment system. The screenshots are also outdated since Google updated Blogger’s interface. The gist of the fix however is that you need to remove the current comment notification email address and readd it again.

For the past few months, Blogger users have not been receiving comment email notifications for comments left on their blogs. In the course of this period, the Blogger team acknowledged the issue and mentioned they’ll be working on a fix.

I experienced this too and in my efforts to curtail spam comments from going unnoticed as well as respond to actual readers, I devised some few workarounds that have been working for me during this period.

Update: Two months later it does seem that long overdue fix is finally here with us now.

Get Back Your Comment Notifications

1. Open Blogger and go to Settings then scroll down to the Email section.

2. Below the Comment Notification Email box, click the Remove link to remove any existing email address then click the Save Settings button. This must be done, even if the email address there is what you still intend to use for this purpose.

remove email
Remove Old Email

3. Click the Add link and enter the email address to receive the comment notifications. You can add up to 10 different email addresses to receive the notifications. To do this, separate them with commas. Click the Save Settings button to finish.

add email
Add Email

4. Now head over to the inbox of the email address that you just inputted in the previous step. You should find there an email from [email protected] inviting you to receive email notifications for comments left in your blog.

Accept the invitation by clicking the Subscribe link at the bottom of the email. You’re expected to accept this invitation within two weeks

Confirmation Message

5. Clicking that link will take you to Blogger where as shown above you’ll get a message that you’ll now be receiving new blog comment emails for your blog.

Comment Moderation Notifications

The comment moderation email notifications had also been broken by this issue. To get it back again into working condition we’ll need to repeat the above steps for it too.

1. Go to Blogger’s Posts, Comments and Sharing settings.

2. In Comment Moderation, start by removing any existing email address that you were using previously then click the Save Settings button.

3. Set your moderation type to either Sometimes or Always then below enter the email address to receive the notifications. Click the Save Settings button.

moderation email
Enter Moderation Email

4. Go to your email inbox and accept the invitation from [email protected] by clicking the subscribe link in the email’s body.

Confirmation Message

5. That should take you to Blogger where as shown above, you’ll get a message that you’ll be receiving new blog comment moderation emails for that blog.

Comment Notifications Still Not Arriving?

Going by the support thread, it does seem some few people are still having problems resolving this issue even after doing the above steps. Now it’s hard to pinpoint why that’s so, but it’s likely that they’ve missed something since its working for the rest of us.

If you’ve found yourself in that situation, here are some things you could try:

1. Make sure to remove the old email addresses, save then reload the page before entering the email address. This seems to be by far the most common solution.

2. Try using a Gmail email address if you’re using a different email host. However, this is not to mean that other email hosts will not work.

3. Check your SPAM folders. Your email host may be flagging the comment notifications as spam.

4. If you’re not receiving the invitation, some have suggested that entering the email address from the Choose from contact link to be what worked for them rather than entering the address manually.

Choose from contacts

Note: you’ll have to add your email address (or the one you intend to use) into Google Contacts before doing this.

5. The way the solution is expressed in the thread some have interpreted it to mean that enabling comment moderation as being necessary to enable comment notifications.

This is NOT so. You can enable comment notifications without having to enable comment moderation.

6. It would seem the comment notifications are now “noreply” for everybody. You therefore cannot reply directly to the commenter’s email as before.



  1. When I click on the area where my email should be, there is no box and it says no email exist. and I cannot for the life of me find an area where I can add an email. It is like it is broken on my blog. Please help if you can.

    1. Kelvin Administrator

      They updated the interface, so my screenshots on this post are a bit outdated. Are you using the new blogger interface or the old one?

  2. This STILL doesn’t work. i can’t edit any of the email settings. The one listed is not the right one, and I can’t change it. URGH!

  3. It is end of August, but the issue still exist.
    The “Comment notification email“ box was cleared, my previous email address disappeared. The box is blocked for editing, and there is no option to add new email address.
    Since there is no more support for blogspot from Google, you cannot report this issue…

    1. Kelvin Administrator

      Last time I checked they used to have some support in the google support forums. Hope they haven’t closed that channel. As for this issue, I’m surprised it keeps resurfacing since writing this article in 2018. As for me, I eventually chose to migrate my blog to WordPress due to such bugs, the closed ecosystem and as you’ve pointed, the mimimal support.

  4. All of a sudden comments on my blog are not coming through to my emails. I have gone into Settings, then Emails, to insert my email address but am unable to as system won’t allow me to type my email. Also the ‘SAVE’ prompt is not red, but grey. When I click on SAVE nothing happens.

  5. Log on to your blogger’s dashboard.
    Navigate to your blog’s Settings -> Comments.
    On the Comments menu, select Show to display comments on your blog.
    If you want to allow everyone to comment on your blog, you may select the Anyone option from the Who can comment menu.

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Kelvin Kathia

Kelvin Kathia is a writer that's passionate about sharing solutions to everyday tech problems. He's the founder and editor of Journey Bytes, a tech blog and web design agency. Feel free to leave him comments or questions regarding this post, or by leaving him a message on the contact page. If you found his content helpful, a donation is much appreciated.